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COC Auto CONFIRM When Switching Accounts

If you have multiple Clash of Clans account and switch them frequently then I advise to follow this method. Because, one thing is for sure its "Annoying" right?


  1. Assuming your already rooted your Android device. Install Root Explorer.
  2. Extract Texts.rar using Root Explorer and you'll have Texts.csv
  3. Copy Texts.csv to DATA/data/com.supercell.clashofclans/update/csv and paste the texts.csv just like in the image below
texts csv location 

This auto confirm trick is absolutely safe, and works pretty well. As a proof in the screenshot below
auto confirm COC
Enjoy the game without the hassle of typing "CONFIRM" every time you switch your COC account. This method is recommended for Bluestack user since it is also working.

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  1. It work, but text not correct in castle loot and shield, please check it :-) :-)

  2. It work, but text not correct in castle loot and shield, please check it :-) :-)

  3. This trick is not working at all...please give some other tricks


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